Racing Coffee Preparation
Hario´s V60 is an invention by the Japanese glassware manufacturer.
With a large hole in the bottom and a 60 degree angle, the V60 gives perfect control over the extraction creating a wonderful coffee.
1. Setup -Place the V60 on the pitcher. Give a rinse with hot water in the paper to remove to taste then remove all rinsing water.
2. Grind -Grind the coffee beans to a medium setting. Then add the Ricardo + Orioli coffee to the drip and tare your scale for maximum accuracy.
3. Bloom -Start your timer and pour 30g of hot water to wet all the coffee. After that let it bloom calm for 30 seconds.
4. Pour -When you get to 30 seconds pour in 70g of water. Keep adding water in small pulses. Don’t let the waterbed dry and don’t go too high.
The ideal step is to pour 30-50g. Don’t forget to pour in circular motions and avoid the sides. Stick always to the inner ring.
Enjoy your racing coffee!

Invented in 1941 by Peter Schlumbohm this is probably the most beautiful and functional design of all coffee systems.Since he was a chemist he knew how to extract the best from the coffee and give the best flavours.
1. Setup -Give a rinse to the paper with hot water. It will remove any taste it might have and preheats your Chemex.
2. Grind -Grind the coffee beans to a medium coarse setting. Then add the Ricardo + Orioli coffee to the Chemex and tare your scale for maximum accuracy.
3. Bloom -Start your timer and pour 70g of hot water to wet all the coffee. After that let it bloom calm for 30 seconds.
4. Pour -When you get to 30 seconds pour in 100g of water. Keep adding water in small pulses. Don’t let the waterbed dry and don’t go too high.
The ideal step is to pour 50g each time. Don’t forget to pour in circular motions and avoid the sides. Stick always to the inner ring.
Your racing coffee is ready to go!
Mayer & Delforge invented this infusion brewer in 1852.
The idea. To use a metal filter that makes coffee easy to make. With this method the coffee is fully immersed in water which given an amazing extraction.
1. Setup -Preheat your French Press with hot water and just remove all rinsing water.
2. Grind -Grind the coffee beans to a medium coarse setting. Add the Ricardo + Orioli coffee to the French Press and prepare your boiling water.
3. Brew -Pour 500 g of hot water over your coffee and let it rest for about 4 minutes.
4. Plunge -In this stage plunge the filter to the bottom in a gentle way. Don’t forget to decant the coffee immediately to prevent an over extraction.
Et voilá… Your racing coffee is ready!

The best travel companion you can have, the Aeropress was invented in 2005 by Alan Adler.
A very versatile tool that extracts the best coffee flavours just by applying pressure.
1. Setup -Place your Aeropress on your pitcher and give a rinse of hot water in the filter to remove the paper taste and preheat the pitcher.
2. Grind -Grind the coffee beans to a medium coarse setting. Add the Ricardo + Orioli coffee to the Aeropress and tare your scale. Prepare your boiling water.
3. Stir -Add the hot water to the coffee while you start your timer. Stir well and rapidly for 3 times.Swilftly place the plunger on top of the Aeropress. Pull slightly back just to create a bit of vacuum. Then brew for 1 minute.
4. Press -Take your Aeropress off the scale and remove the plunger. Stir quickly for 3 times and place plunger back. Now just press down slowly using both hands. Be careful doing this final process.
Et voilá… Your racing coffee is ready!
Our Coffee