The website respects your privacy. The present Privacy Policy describes who we are, which data we collect, for what purposes we collect and use your personal data, who processes these data, with whom we share them, how long we maintain them, as well the information on how to contact us in order to fulfill your lawful rights under Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 27 April 2016 (“GDPR”) and of Portuguese national law No. 58/2019, of 8 August (“Law”).


Who are we?

Your personal data are being processed by Brand and Advise – Consultoria em Design, Un ipessoal, Lda., incorporated under the laws of Portugal, with registered office at Rua Padre Aparício, n.º 11, 6.º B, 1150-248 Lisboa, Portugal, with the capital stock of € 5.000 (five thousand euros), registered under the number 506097412 (hereinafter “BA”), as the sole and rightful owner of the website “BA” is the “Personal Data Controller” according to the definition set by the GDPR and the Law.


Which data we collect?

In the website we collect, store and process the client’s name, surname and email address. The client may also provide us his/hers fiscal number.

We may also collect information regarding the type of browser and computer used, technical information regarding the way it connects to the website, namely, the operating system and how to access the internet.


For what purposes we process your data?

The data collected and processed on this website are necessary to provide (i) information requested by the website’s user; (ii) to take action, at the request of the data subject, prior to entering a sales agreement with “BA”; (iii) performance of such contract in which the data subject is a party; (iv) website and social networks management.

The processing of data relates to several legal aspects of the sales agreement, such as contract handling, invoicing, communication with clients, statistics analysis and quality service evaluation.
In situations different from the ones described above – like marketing and newsletters – “BA”, will always request your prior consent to process your personal data.


How do we collect your data?

Directly provided from the user/client through the website, in a contact form, or by email sent directly from the user to the “Personal Data Controller”.


For how long will we store your information?

We will store your data for a 10 year period counting from the client’s last contact. However this period may be longer if legally necessary. After this period your data will be destroyed or anonymized irreversibly.



“BA” warrants the confidentiality of all data collected from website’s users and clients.



Collecting and processing of data is made in a secure way, that prevents its lost or manipulation. All data are inserted in a secure server (SSL de 256 bits) that encrypts them. You may check that your browser is secure if the lock sign is showed or if the address starts by “https” instead of “http”.


With whom we share your information: I contractual scope and II legal scope.

I Contractual scope

For the strict performance of the sales agreement established with the website user, “BA” may share its clients’ data with our provider of computer services (website hosting, content management and software management services), as well as an accounting entity.

Such third parties will handle the data solely and exclusively on our behalf, following our documented instructions, and only will be hired third parties who provide sufficient guarantees that appropriate technical and organizational measures will be implemented in such a way that the processing will meet the requirements of the GDPR and the Law and in such a way that the rights of the data subject will be protected.

Personal data processed through the website will also be used for analytic purposes as well as quality evaluation.

This website does not send information related to its users/clients to a country outside of the European Union Territory. However, in such case, we will ensure you the compliance with all necessary safety rules, as well as that these transferences occur according to contractual standard clauses approved by the European Commission. In case the country where the data may be transferred to, does have a legislation on data protection equivalent to the European Union, “BA” will demand/apply the same level of safety used in the EU.

II Legal Scope

We may also have to disclose your information in order to comply with a legal request from the authorities (such as: courts, criminal police organization, and regulatory entities), or in “BA” legitimate interest to file a legal sue or a complaint in defense of its rights or in order to protect our clients’ rights. Your data will only be disclosed in situations where we truly believe that it is mandatory to do so according to the applicable law and after an exhaustive evaluation of all legal requirements.


How we protect your information

The website has implemented the suitable technical and organizational security measures, according to the law and the industry standards to protect the personal data against non authorized access, use and disclosure.

We take all the necessary actions to ensure that we only use your personal information according to this Privacy Policy. We only develop business relationships with service providers that ensure the same level of security as applied by “BA”.


Your rights

According to the GDPR and the Law, the following rights are granted to the user/client, dully identified:

I Access the information that we have on the user.

As the personal data subject, you have the right to confirm that your personal data are being or not processed and if that is the case, you have the right to access your data as well as to the all related legal information.

II Rectification of inexact or incomplete information.

As the personal data subject, you have the right to ask “BA”, without further delay, to rectify you inexact or incomplete data.

III Erasure of personal data.

As the personal data subject, you have the right to ask “BA”, without further delay, the erasure of your personal data, as soon as possible, when the following applies:
a) The personal data are no further necessary for the purpose of collecting or processing them;
b) You have withdrawn your consent for processing your data in cases where consent is required and there is no other legal motive for such processing.

IV Oppose

to the processing of your personal data.

V Portability

of your data: the data subject has the right to receive the personal data concerning him or her, which he or she has provided to “BA”, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and has the right to transmit those data to another controller without hindrance from “BA”.


Our contacts

The data holder may carry out his/hers rights through the following contact: Email:

We will attend your requests with special care. You may be asked to confirm your identity to ensure that the data will only be shared with the rightful holder.

The user/client has the right to be notified in case of a breach of his personal data.


How to obtain further information or file a complaint

In case you wish to contact us to obtain information regarding your rights or to file a complaint on how we use your information, you can contact “BA”, on the above mentioned contacts.

The user/client may at any time contact the Portuguese national data protection authority – Comissão Nacional da Protecção de Dados - – and file a complaint.

April 2021.

Note: please note that the present Privacy Policy will be updated. Therefore we ask you to read from time to time this this document in order to stay dully informed.